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Helpful tips from the U.S. Small Business Administration

Small Business Administration tips

A helpful “making time” list from the Small Business Administration could benefit you this instant! Below is a summary of what it offers:

Small Business, Home Business Tips

Small Business Administration action list

  • Start with the most worrisome task. Start the morning, afternoon, or evening with the most worrisome task before you. This will reduce your anxiety level for the next task.
  • Complete deadline work early. Not only will this reduce stress and lighten your work schedule, but it will also give you more self-confidence about managing your schedule.
  • Know your capacity for stress. When you are hitting overload, take the break you need (even if it is a short one) when you need it.
  • Stay organized. Take time at the end of each day to briefly organize your desk and make reminder lists of tasks for the next day or week.
  • Divide up your time. Decide how much time to spend on business development, personal needs, volunteerism, and family.

Small Business Administration wisdom

Time is valuable and irreplaceable. Do you use yours wisely?

To Your Success!
