IT Jobs continue to disappear
A recent study of CIO’s around the globe from 2010 reveals that 90 percent of CIOs will be maintaining or increasing offshore outsourcing projects in 2010 and 2011. UK-based IT staffing and managed services firm Harvey Nash, reports that outsourcing has been greatly used during the recession and CIOs are inclined to continue using outsourced services.
Jobs will continue to disappear.
Jobs Predictions
Nash surveyed 2,855 IT executives from around the world for its 2010 Global CIO Survey. Results determined:
- 62 percent outsource software-application development
- 53 percent outsource software maintenance
- 53 percent outsource IT infrastructure services.
- 22 percent outsource systems integration
- 8 percent outsource BPO
- 8 percent outsource HR BPO
- 6 percent outsource their entire IT department.
- 36 percent of CIOs are increasing their budgets in 2011 for offshore outsourcing technology.
Looks scary doesn’t it? Don’t worry. Even though your job is being deported from the country without you, there is a solution. It isn’t looking for more jobs, because those could go away too right?
Solution to losing Jobs
The solution to this frenzy of outsourcing technology is to start your own home based business so you can work at home, and enjoy the financial freedom it can provide.
To Your Success!
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